diskutil list
diskutil unmountDisk /dev/<your_disk_name> <--your disk might be unmounted already if you haven't removed after step 0
sudo dd bs=1m if=fullpath_of_your_image.img of=/dev/<your_disk_name>; sync
sudo diskutil eject /dev/<your_disk_namename>
The copying might take a minute or two, depending on machine. You will not see anything on the screen until it is done.
Step 2: Onboarding the RPi and Running a Small Application to Test It
- unplug anything attached to the USB on the RPi (keyboards, mouse, etc.)
- Put in SD card into Raspberry and power it on
- Onboard our RPi into eden so that we can control it remotely
On the terminal window of your computer, type:./eden eve onboard
- Deploy the nginx server, as a test
./eden pod deploy -p 8028:80 docker://nginx
- run eden's status command to get the RPi's IP address
It is listed under "EVE REMOTE IPs"./eden status
- Open a browser and point it to http://EVE's_IP_Address:8028