You will need to download VNC to your laptop. Then the use the IP address of your Pi, plus the port of 5901→
You now have Windows running on a Raspberry Pi! Pretty cool, eh? Please visit us on slack to tell us what you have done.
This was mostly done as a PoC, so we are really looking for help from the community to improve this project. Here are some ideas from us:
- You could see school computer classes using this type of thing. The teach sets up the environment they need/want and then at the end of the day, would be able to reset all of their machines. Thus, your help could make this a reality for them.
- What about Android? or Ubuntu? (yes for Ubuntu you could put it natively on the RPi, but if you are running an event with RPi's, it would be much nicer to reset everything via EVE than to re-burn all of the SD cards.
- What about running EdgeX or Fledge on it?
Limitations/things we haven't tested as of Nov 25, 2020
- lining Lining up of the mouse. This is really a limitation of VNC
- WifiWiFi/Bluetooth- We haven't tested using the native WiFi or the native Bluetooth on the device, but it doesn't seem to be working
- When the Pi is plugged into a monitor, you see EVE and not windows. We are working on this.
- Plugging in a keyboard and mouse interacts with EVE (same as above)
- GPIO pins, they might work, but the limitation is probably on Windows. We need to test this.