Discussion items
Item | Notes |
New Members | Are you new, please let us know who you are. |
Blocked Items | Are you blocked? Having issues? Add in your items here. 1) none reported |
What are you working on | Want to share with the group what you are working on? add it here 1) NA |
Action items
- Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date
Items from 10/03 meeting
- need to get people on GitHub, so that they can do code reviews- need to be able to assign code review to people, then PR are approved Erik and Roman
- ethernet and LTE support if ethernet fails it will roll over to LTE
- need some documentation around the networking parts- especially around fail over
- board meeting updates- LF Edge TAC vs. TSC- Tac has been more worried about bringing in new projects. should they now look at the over all Arch- namely API's and their naming conventions. 3. more end to end demos. Show all of the projects working together. Example- Fledge-EVE-EdgeX- this will lead to a better story of everything working together.
- Mini summit in late Oct in Europe might not happen because of lack of LF Edge people attending
- - people use different terms- need to clean up the Glossary- new term has popped up is Deep Edge, it is closer to the radio but still on the operator side.
- look at the calendars- and see what is going on....
- seems that the meeting was passed around and the calendar was not subscribed to.
- USB stick that has the 3.9 EVE is having issues. Static IP address is not coming through.... 3.9.2 the testing doesn't see a problem but the US group is seeing issues, need to figure the differences.
- Avi- added in the controller to a propose. it is part of the wiki... How do you change the controller? what are the use cases for this? this has been added as formal proposal...