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Note: forgot to switch on recording for this meeting, so these minutes serve as the record.


Allen Wittenauer

x Avi Deitcher

Bharani Chadalavada

Chirag Kantharia

x Erik Nordmark

Gianluca Guida

x Gopi Krishna Kodali 

x Greg Chase

Harihara Subhramanian CS

x Kalyan Nidumolu

Rob Woolley

x Roman Shaposhnik 

Sahil Satpute

Saurabh Singh

x Srinibas Maharana

Vijay Tapaskar

Additional attendees:



  • How to make after TSC meeting email discussions fruitful ← encourage more "+0" present votes so that people feel ok that they can say they don't have an opinion on a topic, but show they are present.  The community members are also encouraged to ask for additional information or education if they don't feel they know enough.
  • Create a first EVE roadmap ← Greg to kick off an email thread to start a roadmap doc

Next meeting