Agenda for Project EVE TSC
Roll call of TSC members
Allen Wittenauer x Avi Deitcher Bharani Chadalavada Chirag Kantharia | x Erik Nordmark Gianluca Guida x Gopi Krishna Kodali x Greg Chase | Harihara Subhramanian CS x Kalyan Nidumolu Rob Woolley x Roman Shaposhnik | Sahil Satpute Saurabh Singh x Srinibas Maharana Vijay Tapaskar |
Additional attendees:
CS Hari
Acceptance of prior minutes
No dissent
TSC Decisions via Email list
- Discrepancy in TSC membership lists - TSC meeting minutes had have one additional person from that's not listed in the CONTRIBUTING file. See email thread. Still awaiting feedback on proposal.
Old Business
- Discuss & vote on Project EVE release process - need to have explicit document for this proposal, process and cadence - both emergency releases & major & minor release - adoption of fixes from pull releases ← Greg to work with Roman and Erik to write a first draft, and will be shared in email for comment and possible decision to adopt.Proposed process
- Too early, the project doesn't really need this yet
- We do need roadmap, and will want to consider electing a release manager when the time comes. ← Greg to kick off new thread to create the first project roadmap.
- EdgeX is an example of a heavy release process , Apache is very lightweight
- We will not yet be tagging release candidates in Github till we have a release process
- Assuming we are using semantic versioning ← Avi to send email about this topic to list
- Taking in contribution of "Adam", EVE device API reference implementation | Github repo | Demo ← no dissent about accepting Adam into Project EVE, subject to proper licensing and IP contribution agreements. Github needs to have a license applied. Erik to administer the contribution
Topics for email discussion:- Do we need to put Adam into a separate repository? ← Roman to request the separate repository
- What do we call this new feature? ← Avi and Greg to continue to argue over naming in email to reach consensus. Other opinions welcome.
- EVE API discussion: return codes for various operations - API call by API call discussion, will be evolved release by release ← we need to make sure that return codes are correctly documented ← Sankar - still working on this. Updates should go into this document: https://github.com/lf-edge/eve/blob/master/api/API.md
- How to change future TSC composition ← How long does officers last, how do we add new TSC members, how do we end TSC tenures in case of lack of participation (project ability to gain quorum), how can we make a pipeline for grooming new members ← Greg to study charter, make some proposals in email for discussiocomposition - Greg presented the following proposal in email, with an additional suggestion by Avi:
I propose the following additions to the CONTRIBUTING file...
Comments and discussion are welcome.
Elected roles of the EVE TSC include:
- TSC Chairman - presides over meetings of the TSC and will serve until their resignation or replacement by the TSC. Serves as the primary communication contact between the Project and the LF Edge Foundation of The Linux Foundation.
- TSC Vice Chairman - handles communications, minutes, agenda preparation and execution of decisions of EVE TSC meetings. Serves as Chairman in absence of the TSC Chairman. Will serve until their resignation or replacement by the TSC.
Elected roles of the EVE TSC will be reelected upon resignation of any officer, and on an annual basis in the month of June.Membership of TSC may be modified as follows:
- Contributors and committers upon nomination of self nomination may become voting members of the TSC by a decision of existing TSC members. Lazy consensus applies in voting new TSC members.
- TSC members that resign are automatically removed.
- TSC members may be removed by an explicit majority vote of the TSC for reasons of repeated missed TSC meetings, violating the Project EVE charter or decisions of the TSC, or other conduct detrimental to the project community. The TSC will attempt to resolve issues amicably or seek a resignation from an absent or offending TSC member before conducting an explicit removal vote.
- On an annual basis in May, just before officer elections, TSC members will be asked if they wish to remain on the TSC. TSC membership will continue with their explicit agreement.
Recognition of active contributors:
- On a monthly basis, the TSC will call out and recognize active contributors to the project who may or may not be on the TSC, and may or may not be committers to the project.
- The purpose of this recognition is to identify new potential members for the TSC and committers to the project, and encourage their continued contribution.
- If recognized active contributors have not self-nominated to join the TSC, after a few months a TSC member is encouraged to reach out to the recognized active contributor to see if they are interested in becoming a committer or TSC member, and to nominate them accordingly
There was no dissent about this proposal other than the request for including an additional bullet by Avi. This inclusion is marked in blue.
New Business
- How to make after TSC meeting email discussions fruitfulfruitful ← encourage more "+0" present votes so that people feel ok that they can say they don't have an opinion on a topic, but show they are present. The community members are also encouraged to ask for additional information or education if they don't feel they know enough.
- Create a first EVE roadmap ← Greg to kick off an email thread to start a roadmap doc