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Allen Wittenauer

x Avi Deitcher

Bharani Chadalavada

Chirag Kantharia

x Erik Nordmark

Gianluca Guida

x Gopi Krishna Kodali 

x Greg Chase

Harihara Subhramanian CS

x Kalyan Nidumolu

Rob Woolley

x Roman Shaposhnik 

Sahil Satpute

Saurabh Singh

x Srinibas Maharana

Vijay Tapaskar


CS Hari

Acceptance of prior minutes 


  • Discuss & vote on Project EVE release process - need to have explicit document for this proposal, process and cadence - both emergency releases & major & minor release - adoption of fixes from pull releases ← Greg to work with Roman and Erik to write a first draft, and will be shared in email for comment and possible decision to adopt.
  • Proposed contribution of "Adam", EVE device API reference implementation | Github repo | Demo ← no dissent about accepting Adam into Project EVE, subject to proper licensing and IP contribution agreements.  Github needs to have a license applied.  Erik  to administer the contribution
    • Topics for email discussion: 
      • Do we need to put Adam into a separate repository?
      • What do we call this new feature?
      • EVE API discussion: return codes for various operations - API call by API call discussion, will be evolved release by release ← we need to make sure that return codes are correctly documented ← Sankar 
  • How to change future TSC composition ← How long does officers last, how do we add new TSC members, how do we end TSC tenures in case of lack of participation (project ability to gain quorum), how can we make a pipeline for grooming new members ← Greg to study charter, make some proposals in email  for discussio

New Business

  • How to make after TSC meeting email discussions fruitful